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FREE Ladies self protection courses

In light of some of the recent events and attacks in and around our areas over the years we opened our doors to all ladies that might wish to come along and join in our 2 hour intensive self protection training courses...
All courses are run in house at our Full time Martial arts facility based in Bolsover, S44 6LE...
As a Full time Kickboxing & Martial arts academy we are fully aware of the constant need for self protection training in today's world.. (unfortunately).. and not just as a one off 'gimmick'.. (we always offer ladies only self protection courses throughout each year and a weekly ladies only Kickboxing class, we've helped 100's of ladies over the years build self confidence and learn effective self protection methods and avoidance)..
But with an even more intense feeling and worry about personal safety at the moment, we're condensing our courses down into intensive 2 hour sessions to help with...
✅ Confidence to react under pressure..
✅ Learn the Flight or fight response...
✅ Awesomeness of your surroundings and situation...
✅ Effective basic techniques to help release grabs/ holds...
✅ How to preempt an attack and react quickly...
✅ Basic striking techniques, where and how to strike...
✅ Effective methods of breaking free from pinned attacks and worse...
✅ Opens your eyes to the dangers of some situations and ideas of how to avoid...
✅ Looks at self protection as a whole, right from before you leave home to the point of being in a dangerous situation...
✅ Plus lots more...

✖️ Make you a Martial arts whizz..
✖️ Turn you into a monster..
✖️ Teach you how to kickbox...
✖️ Give you useless skills..
✖️ Give you false confidence...
✖️ Waste your time...
Our 2 hour intensive sessions are for all ladies but please be aware these sessions are NOT for the faint hearted...
Self protection can be tough, dirty and shocking if you're placed in a dangerous situation (You're being attacked, not having a pleasant coffee with a friend) so the skills you learn, grow with and develop are tough, dirty and shocking too...
This is a very 'Hands on' session and will require lots of physical effort to apply some of the techniques.. (please feel free to bring a partner to work with)..
➡️ No obligation to join in...
➡️ No obligation to join any classes afterwards...
➡️ No cost for the opportunity to build your confidence and learn effective skills... Take home skills and keep practicing!..
To book a place (or places) please register your interest via the form below...
We'll then be in touch with the next available course dates... And we'll look forward to speaking with you soon...
Please be aware that you can only learn a limited amount of skills and knowledge from these 2 hour intensive sessions/ courses and self protection techniques should be practiced regularly for improved confidence, better application of skills and competence.. THIS IS NOT A QUICK FIX, this is an insight into real self protection practices.
You are welcome to attend as many Self protection courses as you wish, there are no limitations...
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We'll look forward to speaking with you soon.. 

Thank you.. we'll be in touch soon and arrange your free trial.. 

Ladies Self protection courses

Please register your interest in attending one or more of our FREE Self protection courses by submitting the form below...

Thank you for your interest in our Self protection courses. 

We will be in touch very soon with the next available course date and booking information...