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Adults Kickboxing


? Become a black belt in life...
... with our award winning Martial arts programs...
We help 100's of people on a weekly basis to achieve...

? Awesome self confidence...

? Amazing health and fitness improvements...

? Reduced stress...

? Reduced anxiety...

? Improve socially...

? Make new friends...

? Raise self esteem...

? Become part of a new family...

All whilst...

✅ Learning Martial arts skills...

✅ Developing self control..

✅ Learning self protection skills...

✅ Improving mindset...

✅ Overcoming challenges...

✅ Goal setting...

✅ Smashing goals...


❤️ Increasing stamina...

❤️ Good for the heart muscle... (And every other muscle)...

❤️ Increasing movement...

❤️ Better flexibility...

❤️ Building strength... (Physically & mentally)...

❤️ Improved mental health...

All whilst...

? Having a brilliant time and CREATING your own journey...

For any information, help, advice or booking any trials...

Please call ?

☎️ 01246 397248

Or you can book a free trial or arrange a call back for more information please complete and send the form below...
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Book a free trial

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Please choose which Programme you're interested in from the menu... 

If you have been referred by a current TKBA member, please let us know who in the comment box below.. 

We'll look forward to speaking with you soon.. 

Thank you.. we'll be in touch soon and arrange your free trial.. 

Adults Kickboxing - Book a trial or Call back

Please send us your best contact details to register your interest or book a call back...

Thank you for sending that over... 

We'll look forward speaking with you very soon!