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Back to school


"Strength is in the mind, not just in the body"

Send your kids back to school with...

● Confidence 
● Determination 
● Positive Attitude
● Respectfulness
● Courtesy 
● Team work
● Effort

... and much more...

... and with extra skills to help them STAND UP and say NO to bullies and bullying...

Learn key life skills - with rewards & recognition 

Suitable for all ages - 4+

A full Kickboxing/ martial arts Syllabus 

Please complete the form below and Click the book now button to secure your FREE TRIAL...
No obligation to join afterwards 

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Book a free trial

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If you have been referred by a current TKBA member, please let us know who in the comment box below.. 

We'll look forward to speaking with you soon.. 

Thank you.. we'll be in touch soon and arrange your free trial.. 

Back to school offer

Please book your FREE TRIAL place via this form.. and a member of our team will be in touch soon!

Thank you! We're super excited to speak to you and help your child back to school with Confidence and more...